つく.る つく.り -づく.り 
() make () production
さく (n,n-suf) a work, a harvest
つくり (n) (1) making, producing, manufacturing, building, construction, make, structure, (2) appearance (i.e. attire, make-up), (3) build (i.e. physique), (4) sashimi, (n-pref) (5) forced (smile, etc.)
つくりわらい (n,vs) forced laugh, forced smile
つくりあげる (v1,vt) to make up, to fabricate, to build up, to complete, to construct
つくりばなし (n) fiction, made-up story, fable, fabrication, myth
つくる (v5r,vt) (1) to make, to produce, to manufacture, to build, to construct, (2) to prepare (food), to brew (alcohol), (3) to raise, to grow, to cultivate, to train, (4) to till, (5) to draw up (a document), to make out, to prepare, to write, (6) to create (an artistic work, etc.), to compose, (7) to coin (a phrase), to organize, to organise, to establish, to found, (8) to have (a child), (9) to make up (one's face, etc.), (10) to fabricate (an excuse, etc.), (11) to form (a line, etc.), (12) to set (a record), (13) to commit (a sin, etc.)
さっか (n) author, writer, novelist, artist
さっきょうしすう (n) rice-crop index
さぎょう (n,vs) work, operation, manufacturing, fatigue duty
さぎょうかんきょう (n) work environment
さっきょく (n,vs) composition, setting (of music)
さくし (n,vs) (writing) song lyrics
さくしゃ (n) author, authoress
さくせい (n,vs) framing, drawing up, making, producing, creating, creation, preparing, writing
さくせい (n,vs) manufacture
さくせん (n) (1) tactics, strategy, (2) military or naval operations
さどう (n,vs) operation, functioning, running
さくひん (n) work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.), opus, performance, production
さくづけ (n,vs) planting
さくづけめんせき (n) planted area
さくふう (n) literary style
さくもつ (n) produce (e.g. agricultural), crops
さくぶん (n,vs) (1) writing (an essay, prose, etc.), composition, (2) formal writing with little real meaning
さくがら (n) (1) crop conditions, (2) quality (of art)
さほう (n) manners, etiquette, propriety
さよう (n,vs) action, operation, effect, function

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Etymologies: 中文字譜 : 説文解字