さず.ける さず.かる 
() impart () instruct () confer
さずかる (v5r,vt) (1) to be awarded (e.g. a prize), to be given an award, to receive (e.g. a title), (2) to be gifted or endowed (e.g. with a talent), (3) to be blessed (e.g. with a child), (4) to be initiated (e.g. into a secret)
さずける (v1,vt) to grant, to award, to teach
じゅぎょう (n,vs) lesson, class work, teaching, instruction
じゅぎょうさんかん (n) parents' day (day when parents observe their children in school)
じゅぎょうりょう (n) tuition fee, course fee
じゅじゅ (n,vs) give and receive
じゅしょう (n,vs) awarding a prize
じゅしょうしき (n) award ceremony
じゅよ (n,vs) award, conferment

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Etymologies: 中文字譜 : 説文解字