ゲイ ウン 
う.える のり わざ 
() technique () art () performance
げい (n) art, craft, accomplishment, artistic skill, technique, performance
げいしゃ (n) geisha, Japanese singing and dancing girl
げいじゅつ (n) (fine) art, the arts
げいじゅついん (n) academy of arts, arts academy
げいじゅつか (n) artist
げいじゅつさい (n) art festival
げいにん (n) player, performer, actor
げいのう (n) public entertainment, accomplishments, attainments
げいのうじん (n) performer
げいめい (n) stage name

Links: KanjiDic: EDict : Wikimedia
Etymologies: 中文字譜 : 説文解字