[] path () suitable () qualified
てきする (vs-s,vi) to fit, to suit
てきおう (n,vs) adaptation, accommodation, conformity
てきかく (n,adj-no) eligible, qualified, competent
てきかく (adj-na,n) precise, accurate
てっかく (adj-na,n) precise, accurate
てきぎ (adj-na,adj-no) (1) suitable, appropriate, (n-adv) (2) appropriately
てきごう (n,vs) conform, compatible, adaptable
てきじ (n,adj-na,adj-no) timely, opportune
てきせい (n) aptitude
てきせい (adj-na,n) reasonable, suitable
てきせつ (adj-na,n) pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance
てきど (adj-na,n,adj-no) moderate
てきとう (adj-na) (1) suitable, adequate, relevant, appropriate, fit, (2) random, halfhearted, on the spot, whatever works
てきほう (adj-na,n,adj-no) legality
てきよう (n,vs) applying (e.g. a technology), adoption
てきりょう (n) proper quantity
てきれい (n) suitable age
てきれいき (n) marriageable age

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Etymologies: 中文字譜 : 説文解字